Home Presentation at VIA CARPATIA

Presentation at VIA CARPATIA

Begin 2019.06.14 10:00 am

End 2019.06.15 5:00 pm
Meeting place Verkhovyna

The team of «Agents of Changes» took part in the panel discussions of the International Forum of Central and Eastern Europe «VIA CARPATIA 2019» in Verkhovyna. A presentation of the work of the Project-Educational Center took place at the unique communication platform, which this year was visited by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy, former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and many other authoritative Ukrainian and foreign guests. This European format of meetings allows both to express oneself and to establish new contacts for further mutually beneficial cooperation with those who are interested in finding opportunities for development through project work with the help of Agents of Changes.

In particular, Svitlana Kropelnytska, Associate Professor of Finance, Head of the project «Creation of a project-educational center for innovation development and investment promotion in the region» (AGENTS OF CHANGES) of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University spoke at a panel discussion on local development support in the Carpathian region. Taking into account the concept of geographical indications, environmental, socio-economic and cultural aspects.

This interesting conversation was moderated by Halyna Lytvyn, Executive Director of the Association of Local Governments «Euroregion Carpathians – Ukraine», and speakers at the panel were also Mykola Movchan, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine for European Integration, Olena Zubrytska, Senior Expert of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program -Belarus-Ukraine, Angele Postolle and Emmanuel Mingasson are senior international experts of the EU project «Support to the Development of Geographical Indications in Ukraine».

Ivan Shkindyuk, the chairman of the Verkhovyna District Council, also took part in the discussion.

The key results of the already implemented projects and the ideas that are being implemented today were discussed. It was about the possibilities of various cross-border and international programs that allow attracting resources to the development of the Carpathian region.

In her speech, Svitlana Kropelnytska drew attention to the intermediate, but important, results of the three-year project AGENTS OF CHANGES, implemented by the Precarpathian National University with the sectoral budget support of the European Union. She noted that thanks to the project, conditions have already been created and institutional capacity has been increased in the field of attracting investments, grants, budget funds through the application of the project approach.

The Head of Agents of Changes also spoke about expanding opportunities for cooperation between the University through the Project Education Center with various target groups, including representatives of local communities interested in improving the professional level of project management of various types and with the direct assistance of the Center of consulting and educational nature of these issues, preparation and implementation of development projects.

Vasyl Klymonchuk, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science, Oksana Dzhus, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Vocational Education and Innovative Technologies, Ihor Hurak, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral student, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations also took part in the forum.

Video broadcast of ViaCarpatia. Opening of the international conference «Circle of Vincenzo»

ViaCarpatia. Відкриття міжнародної конференції "Коло Вінценза"

Відкриття міжнародної конференції "Коло Вінценза" в рамках фестивалю Via Carpatia НАЖИВО!Вітальне слово спікера Верховної Ради Андрій Парубій та народного депутата Микола Княжицький (Mykola Kniazhytsky)Панельна дискусія № 1: "Підтримка місцевого розвитку в Карпатськомурегіоні (на прикладі реалізованих проектів з врахуванням концепціїгеографічних зазначень, екологічних, соціально-економічних та культурнихаспектів)"Модератор: Галина ЛитвинСпікери:Микола Мовчан, Заступник Міністра молоді та спорту України з питань європейської інтеграції Олена Зубрицька, Старший експерт Програми транскордонного співробітництва Польща-Білорусь-УкраїнаAngele Postolle, Старший міжнародний експерт проекту ЄС "Підтримка розвитку системи географічних зазначень в Україні"Emmanuel Mingasson, Старший міжнародний експерт з розвитку сільських територій проекту ЄС "Підтримка розвитку системи географічних зазначень в Україні"Світлана Кропельницька, менеджерка проекту "Проектно-освітній центр "Агенти змін" Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя СтефаникаІван Шкіндюк, Голова Верховинської районної радиЗалишайте свої думки у коментарях та діліться трансляцією з друзями

Опубліковано espreso.tv Пʼятниця, 14 червня 2019 р.

You can read more about the presentation of the Design and Education Center Agents of Changes of the PNU here:
